Improving the Bottom Line: How Staff Augmentation Helps Save Money

Staff augmentation as a staffing strategy is not new. Organizations have leveraged it to tremendous...

Beyond the Buzzwords and onto Workplace Wisdom: Answering Questions on Staff Augmentation

Picture this: you're an L&D professional drowning in a sea of projects, deadlines, and skill gaps....

What Is Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) And How Does it Help?

Classic L&D staff augmentation gets a boost in 2024. If supercharged ROI and a flexible...

Interview With the Experts: Strategic Workforce Planning in Turbulent Times - Part 2

Navigating Disruptions and Crafting an Agile Staffing Approach We’re back with Part 2 of the...

Interview With the Experts: Strategic Workforce Planning in Turbulent Times - Part 1

Navigating Disruptions and Crafting an Agile Staffing Approach Amidst a hiring freeze, budget cuts,...

10 Qualities to Look for When Hiring an Instructional Designer (ID) or a Learning Experience Designer (LXD)

Ready to build out your training department? Whether you’re hiring a full-time employee (FTE) or a...

New Ebook: The Top 4 Ways an Agile Talent Strategy Can Provide ROI

As an L&D professional, does this question sound familiar? “Can you show us the value of our...

Why Learning Experience Design is Trending

Instructional designers (IDs) are asked to provide many areas of expertise. They’re called on to be...

New Ebook: The Ultimate Staffing Guide for Leaders

Did you know that it costs on average $4700 to hire a full-time employee? And, it can take up to...

How to Successfully Outsource Your LMS Administration

Purchasing an LMS is one transaction, but it’s just the beginning. Getting your LMS to function at...

Why Are Instructional Designers the Top Title in Demand for Contract Resources?

Discover how the skill set of Instructional Designers (IDs) and Learning Experience Designers...

5 Ways Outsourcing Can Help Companies Get Through an Economic Slump

The jury is still out on whether or not the U.S. has entered a full-blown recession, but many...

Prepare Your L&D Department for a Recession: How to Address Staffing Gaps

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) states that we are facing the possibility of a severe...

What is Staff Augmentation and How Can It Benefit Your Organization?

The outsourcing strategy called staff augmentation is an approach that greatly supports an agile...