Improving the Bottom Line: How Staff Augmentation Helps Save Money

Staff augmentation as a staffing strategy is not new. Organizations have leveraged it to tremendous impact; it is without a doubt a boon to all stakeholders. Staff augmentation vendors work with learning consultants who are ready to assist your organization with temporary talent solutions to fill the skill gaps in your business. Whether you need long-term or short-term staff—vendors work with you to make the most viable solution! 

As the Learning and Development team in most organizations is often compact, many organizations could benefit from a host of titles to augment the internal team and help with day-to-day operations. Instructional designers, eLearning developers and LMS administrators are some of the titles that have been in demand constantly. Their expertise in creating impactful eLearning is unparalleled. 

The advantages of working with consultants go beyond the ability to deliver projects on time. Hiring consultants can directly affect an organization's cost and profitability margins. 

Here are three ways this happens:

Increased Agility: L&D teams are constantly revising their strategies and creating improvements to their business goals that require new skills and talent the existing team doesn’t have. This is where staff augmentation can be extremely beneficial. Rather than taking the time to train current employees on new skills, you can depend on staff augmentation to support your team by bringing in people who already have the experience, knowledge, and capabilities to perform specific tasks. This saves you a great amount of time as your team can continue to focus on what they were originally trained to do while the staff augmentation team can meet other deadlines. Further, you can witness a complete reduction in costs associated with training new team members. Contractors are pre-trained and ready to perform from Day one. 

The old adage says: You can have your project done quickly, with quality, or under budget - but never all three. 

Amazingly, taking an agile talent approach can help to achieve the impossible and address all three areas. Download this eBook to explore the top four ways having an agile talent strategy can provide a return on your learning and training investment.

Increased Flexibility. A staff augmentation team can be brought in for a long-term business strategy or to complete a short-term project. A staff augmentation candidate, or team, will come to your organization prepared and provide a range of useful skills. Once a project is completed and finished, their services may no longer be needed. This not only creates flexibility but has the potential to save your L&D department money. It costs less to ask for on-demand staffing for a certain period of time than it does to outsource a full-time employee bound through a contract.  Scale up or down based on your needs without affecting your costs.

Ability to Source Specialized Talent. As new technologies emerge, L&D teams continue to update their business strategies. This can affect organizations and training programs for many reasons, including the possibility of a lack of resources, time, and employees available to build new training to fit those strategies. That’s why staff augmentation is often the go-to solution. 

Organizations can work with their staff augmentation vendor to align business goals, learning and training needs, and other gray areas that need attention. On-demand consultants seamlessly integrate with existing teams and bring with them new skills and expertise to meet these new evolving demands. 

  • LMS Administrators are one of the key titles in demand! Read this article to learn how to successfully outsource your LMS administration
  • Hear more about staff augmentation as a viable staffing strategy from our staffing experts:
    • Here is part 1 and part 2 of the conversation, in which they chat about navigating disruptions and crafting an agile staffing approach at the organization.
  • Today, every growing organization’s business continuity plan must include staff-sourcing solutions. This ebook is the definitive guide every learning department needs. Learn about finding the right staff augmentation approach for your organization and how to hire key L&D titles such as instructional designer, eLearning developer, LMS administrator, and AI Skills Trainer. Get inspired by use cases from leading companies, and find the right staffing partner.

Want to learn more? Check out the talents we source to augment your in-house L&D team.