Embracing Agile Methodologies in L&D

In a previous role leading an L&D function, I guided the implementation of Agile methodologies—an...

Improving the Bottom Line: How Staff Augmentation Helps Save Money

Staff augmentation as a staffing strategy is not new. Organizations have leveraged it to tremendous...

Learning by Doing: What You Need to Know and Why It Works

Learning by doing, also known as experiential learning, is a methodology where individuals learn...

Using Gamification to Support Social Learning

With about 3.24 billion gamers across the globe, it should come as no surprise that games have made...

5 Ways to Create Learning Experiences for Your Sales Team

To thrive in today's dynamic market, sales teams need to be equipped with the latest product...

Leadership 2.0: The 5 Courses You Can't Afford to Miss

5 Ways to Prepare Your Employees For the Future of AI by Mastering Soft Skills

The buzz around Artificial Intelligence has been a steady constant for the past few years. When...

Why You Need Better Corporate Training

Today we’re talking about one of the best ways to cut costs and improve productivity, a solution so...

Upskilling and Reskilling Existing Talent

A report by McKinsey & Company showed that organizations that had launched reskilling programs...

Leverage Innovative eLearning Solutions and Instructional Strategies To Grow Your Business

From outsourcing to onboarding and developing your workforce, you need technology made for the...

The Four Levels of eLearning Interactivity

Back when eLearning first became popular, organizations tried to simply replicate the traditional...

Bridging the Sustainability Training and Skills Gap

The demand for green jobs is booming. While organizations are consciously taking new pledges on...

8 Words That Describe the Future of Corporate Learning

Learning and development have become an integral part of the workplace. Executives need a skilled...

Plan for the Learning You Need

Custom Courses Can Fit Any Budget by Utilizing Different Levels of Interactivity

Is Your Learning Strategy Radioactive or Interactive?

Is there a magic formula for effective eLearning? Three parts Instructional Design plus one part...

Create Custom Corporate Training that Delivers Stellar Results and Maximizes ROI

There are a number of reasons why companies are choosing custom solutions for their learning and...

The Role of Needs Analysis in Staff Development & Training to Meet Business Goals

Building a learning program is a complex puzzle. The cornerstones of agile instructional design,...

Podcast Excerpt: Visually Explosive Learning

In the episode “Creating Custom Experiences with Todd Cummings” of the Learning Experience podcast,...

5 Ways to Build Your Next-Generation Ecosystem

Since the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, organizations have had to reassess their approach to learning...

Using Microlearning to Supplement Traditional, Formal Learning

We recently had a great webinar discussion on microlearning with Darrell Walker, AVP of Education...

eLearning Brothers Wins Two Coveted DevLearn DemoFest Awards

Best Video Solution Awards by its Custom Division and Best Game Solution by The Game Agency...