Liesl Twaalfhoven

5 Tips For Creating A Winning Immersive Learning Strategy

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” These words from...

How to Facilitate Social Learning Like a Rockstar

Asynchronous learning has become increasingly prevalent in modern-day training, offering...

Unveiling Insights: ATD 2023 Report Highlights on eLearning and L&D Professionals

ATD’s 2023 State of the Industry report analyzes talent development trends, spending, and...

LMS or LXP? How to Deliver Effective Training with Ease

The rapid evolution of technology and the increase in remote work has transformed the educational...

Mastering Compliance Training with Rehearsal

The Challenge of Compliance Training Compliance training is essential for ensuring employees...

How Artificial Intelligence Improves Employee Communication Skills

In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, having employees with strong communication skills...