4 Ways to Apply Situated Learning Theory


The primary purpose of training and learning is not merely to acquire new information, but to effectively apply that knowledge in practical settings. However, traditional training approaches often fall short in this regard, with limited emphasis on the application of learning beyond the initial training session.

What is Situated Learning Theory?

Situated Learning Theory offers a strategic approach that emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge alongside its practical application, tailored to the specific job roles and contexts of the learners. This theory posits that learning is most effective when it occurs within the same environment in which the acquired knowledge and skills will be utilized, enabling a seamless transition from theory to practice.
This approach contrasts with more conventional training methods, which may present information in a vacuum, disconnected from the real-world scenarios in which learners will be expected to perform. Situated Learning Theory, on the other hand, fosters a deeper understanding and a stronger ability to transfer learning to the workplace.

Situated learning was first proposed by Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger as a model of learning among a group of people who share a craft and/or a profession, i.e., a community of practice. The basic tenet of the theory is that abstract knowledge usually given in the classroom is harder to retain. Real learning happens only when it is contextual – meaning when students can directly apply it in authentic activities, contexts, and cultures. Lave and Wenger have gone on to publish an insightful book that addresses Situated Learning holistically. 

Situated learning environments place students in learning situations where they are immersed in an activity while using problem-solving (critical thinking) skills. These opportunities involve a social community that replicates real-world situations. In the end, the situated learning experience encourages students to tap into their prior knowledge, build knowledge and skill, and challenge other learners.

There are many ways to apply Situated Learning Theory. However, four of them have found great success in the training world. They are:

  • Group activities
  • Roleplays
  • Scenario-based learning
  • Using Technology

Group Activities

Field trips, where students actively participate in an unfamiliar environment offer educational and practical experiences. Similarly, students get completely immersed during music or sports practice sessions that imitate real-life events, ie. orchestras, studios, competitive matches, etc. In the same context,  how about creating a “Corporate Sales Office” as your classroom? Learners are Sales Managers with independent targets, client lists, etc. Use these as classrooms in which students are put to work in situations that replicate real-life, and illustrate scenarios where students are engaged in finding solutions to real problems. As the theory suggests, the student is “situated” in the learning process, and knowledge acquisition becomes a part of the learning activity. Context, culture, and learning have greater alignment, and superior learning outcomes are expected.


Role Play

Indulge learners in role-playing situations that will engage them in complex, realistic, problem-centered activities, and provide support in acquiring the new knowledge. To do this, one must recast their role from a teacher to a facilitator. It is important to track and assess progress made by learners, build collaborative learning environments, encourage reflection, and help them become more aware of contextual hints to aid understanding and be an effective tool for knowledge transfer.

Scenario Based Learning

Learning is not separated from the real world but exists in robust, complex, social environments made up of actors, actions, and situations. Therefore facilitators must work on providing scenarios for new learners; knowing the type and intensity of guidance necessary to help learners master these situations. As learners acquire additional skills, less support will be needed. However, the assessment of intellectual growth, through discussion, reflection, and evaluation, is critical for the individual and the group of learners the individual is a part of. 

Using Technology

Information and facts are hard to retain when they are explained theoretically. Such concepts can be explained effortlessly when learners learn through a game or social media or through digital avenues such as blogs, podcasts, or videos. Social networking platforms like LinkedIn allow learners (once they have moved beyond personal connections) to embrace a community where they can learn from each other. Social interactions play a significant role in the learning process. The contextual understanding gained allows them to understand concepts and learn from peers about their application.


As Eduard Lindeman argued many years ago, learning is part of daily living. Problem-solving and learning from experience are central processes, which is why educators need to reflect on their understanding of what constitutes knowledge and practice. Perhaps one of the most important things to grasp here is the extent to which education involves an informed and committed action. The social learning concept is a powerful influence, and the benefits of using technology to apply situated learning theory are very promising.  

In the next section, let us address some of the common FAQs associated with situated learning.

  1. We would like to try this at our workplace, what are the immediate best practices for us to focus on?

    Just like any other training program, start with a clear identification of the objectives. This should serve as a framework or guideline. As the name implies, context is paramount. Only when activities mimic real-life situations, will learners be able to benefit from the experience. The facilitators of the session must provide accurate and unbiased feedback. Ideally, choose a facilitator who is well versed in the concept and has experience in moderating the “classroom” created. Ensure participation from all learners. All learners, whether contributing individually or collectively in a group, have to be completely involved, immersed, and actively engaged.

  2. Is Situated Learning Theory restricted to certain industries, job roles, etc.?

    Absolutely not! Situated learning theory is a universal concept and works well across industries and individuals. Do remember to group people of similar skill sets so that learners draw from their collective yet unique experiences.

  3. What resources work well with Situated Learning Theory?

    Case studies are a great resource, as it brings the best context to address problems and solutions. Videos and visual aids have a natural appeal to learners. Organizations could utilize a host of appropriate resources, as they would in any normal training session. Ensure that every resource is contextual and aids in the problem-solution methodology.

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