A big focus for us this year has been combining our eye-catching templates and awesome interactions into one simple download, making it even easier for you to get started on a new project.
Instead of having to search through our library for individual layouts or interaction templates that would look good together, now you can download one Course Starter and get tons and tons of layouts and interactions that all go together.
Each course starter is packed with features like xAPI reporting, responsive mobile design, and a stunning visual style so you can get more done in less time.
These are just a few of our fabulous Course Starters:

Top 3 Most Downloaded Captivate Course Starters of 2019
We secretly have our favorite Course Starters (but it’s like children, we’ll never tell which is our favorite!), but it’s always interesting to see which ones were most popular with you. This year, the clean, professional styles seemed to resonate the most with our users.
The top 3 designs were:
1. Cobalt
Download Cobalt Captivate Course Starter Now
2. New Stone 2.0
Download New Stone Captivate Course Starter Now
3. Flat Blue
Download Flat Blue Captivate Course Starter Now
Apparently Captivate users love blue and gray colorways and crisp, clean layouts! Can’t blame you—these are all great choices for professional-looking corporate learning content.
Need help editing our templates? We’ve put together lots of resources for you.
Related Course Starter Resources
- Webinar: Take a Look Under the Hood of Our Course Starter Template Files
- Updated xAPI Setup in Course Starters: Now Even Simpler!
- Why You Should Care About xAPI
- All Things eLearning Brothers Support
Sign into your account now to download these popular Captivate Course Starters or register for a free 7-day trial of the entire eLearning Brothers Asset Library. You’ll get 10 free downloads of your choice, giving you a perfect taste of the unlimited resources in our libraries.