eLearning Brothers Is Now ELB Learning

eLearning Brothers has a strong reputation in the learning industry, but now with new solutions and emerging technologies we can offer, we can contribute more than just eLearning templates. As our offerings continue to grow, it is time to step into the future with a new name, ELB Learning - reflective of our history but indicative of our future. Similar to our name, our new logo blends the past with the future. It still has the curves of a guitar representing its famous rockstar persona, yet it also resembles an infinity sign as there are infinite possibilities in learning!

Our services and workplace teams are not changing, only growing! Over the past two years, we acquired six companies (Rehearsal, Origin Learning, The Game Agency, Edulence, Trivantis, and CoreAxis Consulting), and more acquisitions are coming. By adding these additional companies, ELB Learning has expanded the ways in which we can create and deploy effective learning strategies.  

If you visit the new website elblearning.com, you can learn more about our expanded portfolio of products and services. On the homepage, you will see a products and services wheel where the top section is dedicated to our products, and the bottom section is dedicated to our services. Curious about what each part of the wheel represents? Drag your mouse across and click to learn more about each one. Due to our most recent acquisition with CoreAxis, we now offer staff augmentation which provides on-demand access to top tier L&D consultants. 

Here is a summary of ELB Learning’s growing portfolio of products and services. Any combination of products and services can be offered to a client (based on their needs), and most of these tools integrate with one another:



We are excited to introduce our new brand to the Learning and Development industry. Our mission is to provide customers with solutions that create better learning experiences.