4 Interactivity Levels for Game and Multimedia eLearning Design

Studies show that interactivity adds a level of engagement and interest in a course.

There are four engagement levels that you should know: passive, limited, moderate, and simulation.

These levels are based on game and multimedia design and can help guide the overall development of a course.

1. Passive

Passive interactivity refers to the general actions that need to take place for a course to function correctly. This includes navigation, page animation, object animation, and a combination of true or false and multiple choice questions.

2. Limited

Limited interactivity includes the actions listed in the passive level, along with some additional features. These features give learners more control over their course experience. Examples of limited interaction include the addition of clickable graphics, audio, video, basic activities such as drag and drops, and modifications to navigation like a drop down menu or links to external resources.

3. Moderate

Moderate interactivity comprises both passive and limited interactivity with an additional level. This level gives learners the feeling of a more complex course and gives developers the chance to customize the experience with advanced programming. Moderate interactivity can include animated videos, customized audio, intermediate level simulations, scenario-based examples, and Flash-style animation.

4. Simulation

The final engagement level is a full simulation or game-based interaction. This is where you combine elements of passive, limited, and moderate, along with some new types of interactions. At this level the learner experiences the highest level of engagement. This level usually includes gamification, advanced or 3D simulations, a variety of multimedia, and a guide or avatar.

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