Companies around the world are turning to virtual reality (VR) solutions for immersive learning to make their employee training programs safer, easier to manage, and more effective.
There is a growing body of evidence showing the data-backed benefits of immersive learning, while advancements in VR solutions have made the technology more accessible.
While many companies felt priced out of VR in the early stages, VR learning solutions are now more affordable than most organizations realize. Immersive learning doesn’t always require investing in VR headsets, hand controllers, and a large training room.
Modern immersive learning authoring tools like CenarioVR® can help you create a training module where the learner interacts with a 360-degree environment on a desktop computer. This training option is more engaging, effective, and affordable than a run-of-the-mill eLearning course. But not every type of training course needs to be immersive either.
Here are four key factors that signify immersive learning may be a great fit for your learners.
Complicated tasks — such as piloting aircraft, executing precision-based activities, or performing multi-step technical functions — are difficult to master by reading a manual, watching a video, or listening to a hypothetical scenario. Traditionally, hands-on training is most effective for these cases, but it can be costly and risky for novice learners.
If you need to train your employees in highly technical skills that require repetition to develop, immersive learning can be an excellent fit. VR technology combines sight, sound, and movement to increase engagement, build muscle memory, and trigger strong emotional responses that make training more effective. Research shows that people are better able to recall information presented to them in a virtual environment.
One of the major benefits of immersive learning is that it reduces risk to both your staff and your company.
When it comes to operating heavy machinery, performing complicated medical procedures, or interacting with hazardous substances, there’s little room for mistakes. With a simple human error, an employee may cause injury to themself or others.
Immersive learning with VR technology allows employees to practice in a life-like environment without coming into contact with real tools and equipment. This technology presents a safe environment and allows more room for the inevitable missteps as employees build skills to perform tasks with finesse.
Immersive learning also reduces financial risk to your company. If your organization works with expensive equipment or inventory that is difficult to replace, using existing assets for training can be costly. There is always the risk of damage to equipment or inventory during training. Even if trainees handle the assets well, the wear and tear from ongoing use can take years off the lifespan of those assets.
If hands-on training in your line of work brings a high risk of human harm, damage to equipment, or financial losses, immersive learning technology is well worth the investment to protect your staff and assets.
Live training for complex tasks involves many steps and moving parts. It’s difficult to adjust training methods to tailor to individual employee needs or to stay up-to-date with industry advancements. Making updates to a hands-on training program is time-consuming and costly, as it may involve moving or acquiring expensive training equipment and adjusting physical space for training exercises.
Because immersive learning is done through a computer, it’s relatively easy to adjust training methods or steps with little downtime or cost. Building a 360-degree training environment with a VR authoring tool like CenarioVR makes it easy to tailor training exercises or change scenario details for individual employees without upheaving your entire training program.
Gathering data from live training sessions is difficult and inconsistent, as it often relies on the individual trainer’s perspective when tracking the trainees’ progress. If your organization struggles to measure employee learning or track the success of your training programs, immersive learning technology can be a great solution.
VR technology can collect metrics such as the number of completed exercises and their scores. Immersive learning also allows you to track detailed aspects of individual employee performance, such as hand and eye movements, processing time, and more.
The data you gather from your immersive learning solution can help you cater training to the areas where learners need more guidance. This data also enables your organization to capture the training program’s overall effectiveness and helps you identify areas to improve.
Ready to see the wonders of immersive learning for yourself?
Sign up for a free trial of CenarioVR, and discover how we can help you deliver eLearning that rocks.