eLearning 101: Implementing A Game Show Game Template Into Your Training

You probably remember one time or another in your life when you took a sick day and found yourself binge-watching episode after episode of quiz shows on TV and allowing the smooth, dulcet voice of the host to take your troubles away. How great would it be to reproduce that intensely nostalgic feeling and the intellectual atmosphere it promotes into the wonderful world of eLearning?

Cover A Lot Of eLearning Material Quickly

One reason we are very excited about our game templates is a game's inherent ability to disseminate a lot of information in the space of just a couple minutes. The objective of any eLearning game should be to communicate the material efficiently and in a stimulating manner. Our templates have you covered on both fronts.
Game Show is versatile because many different questions, spanning diverse topics can be asked, spanning a wide swath of material within a quick span of time.

Gameshow template for Storyline, showing main board

Engage the Learner

By tapping into such a huge part of pop culture, this template has the advantage of familiarity. Familiarity creates a lower pressure environment where the learner can feel less on-the-spot and more confident in their answers.

How to use the Game Show Game Template in Storyline

In this short tutorial, learn how to get started with the old eLearning Brothers Articulate Storyline games. Learn how to update the old versions of the templates as well as the basic layout of all the Storyline games.


And allow us to walk you through essentials of the NEW eLearning Brothers Articulate Storyline games. Learn how to update NEW versions of the templates as well as the basic layout of all the Storyline games.

If you've ever built an eLearning module based on a game show, tell us about your experience in the comments below!

Want MORE mobile-ready eLearning games? And even less development time?

Check out all the games in The Training Arcade®, including The official Jeopardy!® for Training game, created in partnership with Jeopardy Productions, Inc. 

These games require NO programming and can easily be embedded into a Lectora, Storyline, or Captivate course.

The Training Arcade is a library of fun, mobile-ready, casual games that can be rapidly customized with your content to reinforce educational material, assess knowledge retention, measure overall teaching effectiveness, and improve learning outcomes. Built-in leaderboards with a dashboard to review learner and question-level analytics are the perfect way to create effective gaming.

Sign up for a free trial of The Training Arcade®.