ELB Learning

Create Custom Corporate Training that Delivers Stellar Results and Maximizes ROI

Written by Preeti GT | Sep 15, 2022 2:53:38 PM

There are a number of reasons why companies are choosing custom solutions for their learning and development needs. Off-the-shelf courseware seldom addresses all your training needs and is almost never aligned with your brand and values. However, the greatest takeaway from choosing to create custom training courses is the focused training that organizations are able to facilitate for their learners. 

While custom solutions have their advantages stacked high, their efficiency and training effectiveness is not always a foregone conclusion. L&D leaders have to curate a strategy to maximize returns and achieve learning objectives. Have you conducted a thorough needs analysis? Have the outcomes helped you detail the business objectives to achieve, the training goals to ace and the learning design that will help in this process? A needs analysis is a critical prerequisite and ignore this foundation at your own peril! 

Custom course development can undoubtedly architect the right learning solutions for your unique needs. However, there are certain factors that are non-negotiable.

In this article, we deep dive into three best practices or steps that will ensure stellar results with your custom solutions and pave the way to maximizing ROI. 

1. Align with a Partner Who Can Help Realize Your Goals

The right custom vendor will be a gateway to a pool of talent and help you achieve your organization’s goals. Almost like an extension of your own team, the partner holds the trump card to make or break your L&D goals. 

Custom content vendors often have access to multiple subject matter experts to cater to the learning needs of diverse industries, and many vendors have staff with advanced degrees in their fields. An added bonus would be if training development staff have obtained the Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP) certifications. Choosing such a custom partner delivers remarkable talent and creativity from instructional designers, game designers, content authors, video specialists, animation experts, and more. It takes experience and experts to create custom training courses that fetch formidable results from the get-go. 

Take cognizance of the vendor’s body of work and the industry awards and recognitions they’ve earned. While being on time and on budget is important, do take time to review their work ethics, customer service, and flexibility to meet your needs. Whether it’s helping frame your learning strategy, building an entire curriculum, or converting existing training, the partner must be able to scale beyond your in-house capabilities. 

2. Construct Learning Solutions that Complement Your Unique Needs

While we have briefly explored the many reasons for companies opting to create custom corporate training, we must circle back to content value and engagement. And, the expertise that custom vendors bring to these aspects is as evident as night and day! Custom partners have the niche and experience to transform learning into an exciting and engaging adventure, by using modern tools, strategies, and technologies that work best for an audience. Explore opportunities that feed the learner who is conditioned to modern digital environments and create visually explosive and immersive eLearning. 

Invest in deploying video coaching, asynchronous video practice, or provide an alternative learning perspective through a gamified or game-based learning solution. Gaming, interactive elements, and the visual imagery available today are unparalleled and can be expertly weaved into the program, scoring high on learners' attention and knowledge retention.

How about using immersive learning tools? Virtual reality and augmented reality solutions have made a stellar impact on learners. From onboarding, equipment training, safety training, and beyond, mixed reality solutions today push boundaries to make it scalable on epic levels. The sweet learning analytics that organizations can leverage make for a fitting home run.

Vendors should also actively engage in finding avenues to deploy the L&D golden goose - microlearning. Bite-sized learning and mobile learning are poised to tackle the learning challenges of today. Effectively strike down short attention spans and competing demands with experiential learning that meets the moment of need. Microlearning helps in creating viral learning moments in the flow of work. 

Whether learners are in a hybrid or remote workplace, great training content is the stepping stone to creating an engaged learning culture in the organization. Thoroughly understand the demographic and training needs before choosing the ideal learning solution.

3. Choose the Right Learning Technology that Enables that Architecture

Investing in content is key, undoubtedly. However, you must walk the entire mile and evaluate delivery platforms for your custom content. If there is a pre-existing LMS or LXP in your organization, understand its capabilities, but most importantly, get acquainted with its limitations before you proceed to create custom training courses. Did your vendor come up with sharp gamified assessments in the product training module, only to discover that your LMS does not support modern technologies? There is no room for shades of gray!

If eLearning is the preferred strategy, investing in a modern, user-friendly platform like Rockstar Learning Platform is the way to go for its experiential learning capabilities - including strong video functionality (key for microlearning) and flexibility in integrating with third-party technologies. 

However, if a blended learning approach works in your favor, Coursemill LMS has proven capabilities that include strong support of accessible content combined with remarkable reporting and deep analytics. Such a platform can leverage success from custom content using it in both classroom sessions and for self-paced learning. 

Are your training modules using VR technology providing an immersive and safer learning experience to your employees? CenarioVR is an all-encompassing web or native app, and it publishes content in SCORM formats (for certification tracking), and can even be viewed on a headset within your LMS.

Arrive at a decision not because the technology is cool and is on the trending list. Find the best platform to support your training goals and business objectives. 

ELB Learning understands your unique needs and creates better learning experiences. Whether it’s helping frame your learning strategy, building an entire curriculum, or converting existing training, we create custom corporate training that is effective and engages your learners from start to finish.

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