ELB Learning

3D Objects and More Added to CenarioVR

Written by Stephanie Ivec | May 26, 2020 11:45:00 AM

3D Objects and More Added to CenarioVR


The latest release of CenarioVR® is as REAL as it gets. Your learners are about to set foot into a whole new world in 3D space. Magic flying carpet not included...unless you want to put one in, of course!

We’ve added tons of new features around 3D objects and animations. Using CenarioVR, you can create the ultimate life-life experience for your virtual reality training.

3D Models to Rotate & Animate

Create an object in GLB format and watch it come to life in CenarioVR! Manipulate your object and get it into the exact position you need using the 3 rotation handles. Add an Animate action, trigger movement or use your 3D object as a hotspot. Finally, put it in preview mode to experience it yourself. You’ll be amazed at what you can create in the virtual world!

Animate Any 3D Form

With animation, your 3D models come to life. They can tell short stories, give product tours, or behave any way you’d like. Simply upload your animated 3D models and have them play in CenarioVR.

Here's a short video on using 3D objects in CenarioVR:

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New Media Library With 3D Objects

Don’t want to create your own 3D objects? We’ve got you covered with our new media library. Search & peruse a gallery of icons, actions, 3D shapes, & 3D objects. You can color and customize all these objects any way you like!

Watch this short video on using the Media Library:

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We’ve also included .SVG file support in this update. SVG image files are now supported everywhere, so you can create your own graphics in a tool like Adobe Illustrator or download them from an online library like the eLearning Brothers Icon Library and add them to your immersive video in CenarioVR.

See a Real-World Example of CenarioVR

John Blackmon, eLearning Brothers CTO, will be presenting a case study on CenarioVR use for healthcare at the VR/AR Global Summit on June 2 at 7:30 AM mountain daylight time/9:30 AM eastern daylight time. It’s free to watch his live presentation! Sign up here to add John’s virtual reality session to your calendar.

Log in now to try CenarioVR’s new features out for yourself, or sign up for a free trial and start building virtual reality training now.