ELB Learning

You Stayed Safe in 2019 With These Safety Courses

Written by Josh Bleggi | Jan 24, 2020 1:30:00 PM


You Stayed Safe in 2019 With These Safety Courses_Blog Header 800x350

2019 was a big year for eLearning Brothers Off-the-Shelf courseware. Our library grew to include hundreds of new mobile-ready, microlearning courses. These covered topics that include professional soft skills, diversity, harassment, and safety.

Our Workplace Safety Library is the first library we released with our new Rockstar Learning Model™ to help your employees become rockstars through learning, rehearsing, and performing. We’re pretty stoked about it and we know you will be too.

With hundreds of courses, covering a variety of safety topics, it’s hard to pick our favorites. Luckily, our customers did that for us.

Let’s check out our top three safety courses that rocked everyone’s 2019.

Bloodborne & Airborne Pathogens

Exposure to bloodborne pathogens can happen in various different occupations. Knowing how to respond to this very serious threat can make all the difference. This course covers the most common bloodborne and airborne diseases, how to avoid exposure to them and then what to do if exposure occurs. After taking this course you will find yourself prepared to respond if you encounter blood or other potentially infectious materials in the workplace.

As a sneak preview, here’s a few slides from the course. All our off-the-shelf courses feature classic, clean design that never gets old!

bloodborne and airborne pathogens course example 1

Active Shooter

It seems every time you turn on the news, a new active shooter incident has occurred somewhere. This has created a growing concern for workplaces to prepare and know how to respond to an incident before the unfortunate happens. This active shooter course helps you identify signs to prevent workplace violence incidents from occurring. We detail the Run, Hide, Fight model for how to respond if an active shooter incident occurs, as well as how to work with law enforcement and handle the aftermath of the incident.

Take a look at a few excerpts from the course:


HazCom: Your Right to Understand

You have the right to understand the potential dangers you face from working with chemicals in the workplace. In order to understand what you need to know, our course details how to read the labels on chemicals, what to look for to find the appropriate information about each chemical and what to do if exposure to a harmful chemical ever occurs. After taking this course you will be prepared to know how to handle any dangerous chemicals in your workplace.

Here are a few slides from our HazCom course:


All three of these courses are pretty awesome, but they are just a small sampling of what eLearning Brother has to offer in our Off-The-Shelf Courseware Library. Plus, we are adding more all the time!

Contact us for a free demo of any of the courses in our library—from safety to professional soft skills to state-required harassment prevention training.