ELB Learning

Webinar: Your One Stop Shop for Safety Training

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Jun 28, 2019 1:59:29 PM

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Safety training is essential for any workplace, but how do you make it engaging and effective for your learners?


Customizable Safety Training


In this webinar, Senior Account Executive J.R. Lavea showed attendees the engaging features of our customizable safety training, from interactive scenarios to drag and drop knowledge checks. In partnership with safety expert Troy Hackworth of SafeWorkday, we’ve developed these comprehensive safety courses to help you meet your OSHA training requirements. All you need to do is make a few tweaks to the pre-built courses and you have a practically custom-built course just for your organization.


New HR Compliance Microlearning


In addition to our twenty existing safety courses, J.R. gave attendees a sneak peek of our newest course library—HR Compliance courses from Vado. These bite-sized modules go beyond the minimum legal requirements and help you create a positive work environment based on respect and dignity. Now available through eLearning Brothers, this toolkit meets the top 11 HR Compliance training requirements—Discrimination & Harassment, Diversity & Inclusion, Data Privacy, Ethics, Interviewing, and more.

All of our newest courses from our partner Vado come in mobile-responsive, microlearning modules. Watch the webinar recording now to preview these new courses and our existing safety training.


Watch the Safety Training Webinar Recording Now



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Want to learn more about how we can help you solve your safety, HR, or compliance training needs? 


Contact J.R. Lavea at 801-854-5184 or jlavea@elearningbrothers.com for more information.