ELB Learning

Webinar: Win Over HR & Your Learners With These Courses

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Oct 4, 2019 2:17:49 PM


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We're offering a brand new batch of off-the-shelf training courses, including a Respectful Workplace bundle your HR manager is sure to love. Account executive Raul Lazo joined us for a webinar to share what's new in the eLearning Brothers off-the-shelf course library.

Don't think courses about HR compliance and harassment prevention can be engaging?

These bite-sized modules follow the 70-20-10 model for higher learning retention and engagement.

The 70-20-10 Learning Model is based on the principle that:

  • 70 percent of learning comes from experience, experiment, and reflection.
  • 20 percent derives from working with others—social learning, learning from example, mentorship, etc.
  • 10 percent comes from formal interventions and planned learning solutions—your traditional eLearning course, for example.

We recently added quite a few courses on HR-related topics to our library. Why do we think having a respectful workplace is so important?

From the employer perspective, a positive atmosphere and safe working environment result in:

  • Less turnover/absenteeism
  • Fewer (or zero) lawsuits
  • Happier, more productive employees drive better business results

From the employee perspective, a respectful workplace generates:

  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Better performance

What's different about the HR courses offered by eLearning Brothers?

As we mentioned earlier, the HR bundles we've added are all microlearning courses. With bite-sized modules, employees can fit training in around their regular job duties and spend less time away from what you're paying them to do.

Each course is:

  • 8-12 minutes long
  • Interactive
  • Includes at least one video per scenario
  • Packed with realistic situations

Our courses are also mobile-responsive, so the courses can be viewed on any device.

We also offer options for customization and can give you access to a course editor and LMS solution for easy training delivery.

To see a preview of the Stop Harassment off-the-shelf course, watch the webinar recording below:

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Check out all our off-the-shelf courses below, or contact us to set up your personal demo!


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