ELB Learning

Webinar: Rock your HR Program in 2020

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Jan 17, 2020 8:23:31 PM


Rock Your HR Program in 2020_Blog Header 800x350

Make 2020 the year of high productivity and low drama in your office! How? By covering the right topics in your training program, and delivering effective eLearning on those topics.

In this webinar, Rich referenced our recently released guide, 10 Must-Have Training Courses for Your HR Program, which you can download for free. He also drew upon his extensive experience helping organizations large and small build effective training programs. And before that, he was on the front lines himself as a training manager. So he has quite a bit of experience creating training programs.

How to Build the Right Training Program

  • Bring the right components into the mix
  • Don’t assume your new employee already knows something
  • Create a basic onboarding for each job description

Considerations When Building a Training Program

Expertise & Time

  • Do your internal resources have the time and talent to realize your vision?
  • If not, you can look into hiring a custom development team or purchasing off-the-shelf courseware.


  • Is the content highly specialized and/or mission-critical?
  • Does your targeted learning audience HAVE to get it right—or else?


  • When considered in context with expertise/time & criticality, what’s the best use of your dollars?

Key Topics to Include in your HR Training Program

  • Compliance
  • Soft Skills
  • Management

Compliance training, such as preventing discrimination and harassment courses, is often required by your state law. (Don’t know what your state’s laws are? Visit this page to find out.)

As Rich mentions a few times in the webinar, when you’re building your training program, it’s essential not to assume your new employee already knows everything—especially if they’re newer to the workforce. That’s why soft skills training is so important.

Management and leadership training is essential for your boots on the ground managers. These are the people who really set the tone for individual departments. Their management skills can influence employee productivity, morale, and culture—positively OR negatively.

Want to see some specific courses we recommend you include in an HR training program? Watch the webinar recording below, or download our free guide, 10 Must-Have Training Courses for Your HR Program.


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Don't forget, you can download our digital guide to building an HR training program—for FREE!