ELB Learning

Webinar: Re-Energize That Same Old Training

Written by Stephanie Ivec | May 1, 2019 6:14:14 PM


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Tired of creating the same old training content? You just need an energy boost! In this webinar, our multi-talented instructional designer and eLearning developer, Amber Rodbell, guided attendees through several tips for waking up learners with fresh, interesting training.


Key Concepts for Re-energizing Training


  • Create Clear and Concise Content

  • Chunk Into Consumable Content Cubes

  • Content Should be Conceivably Cooperative/Interactive

  • Comical Where Appropriate

  • Consider a Multimedia Approach

  • Create a Social Culture

Amber expanded on each of these points during the webinar. We'll talk about a couple of her tips here, and you can watch the full webinar below.


How to Create Clear and Concise Content



    Less is more my friends. If you need tips on editing content, check out this article by one of our other instructional designers, Dave Christiansen.
  • REMOVE irrelevant content

  • Only include content that is APPLICABLE to a person's job/role

  • Provide clear objectives or KEY TAKEAWAYS

  • Encourage users to PARTICIPATE in content created via notes

    Amber gave a great example of a synchronous training where everyone had a shared Google Doc open and was taking notes together. At the end of the training, everyone downloaded the notes, giving them the chance to see what their colleagues got out of the training that they might have missed, or read different perspectives and insights on the topic.

Consider a Multimedia Approach


You can add a wide variety of artistic or communicative media into your training. For example, you might include:


  • Video
  • PowerPoint
  • Mobile Technology
  • Google Sheets
  • Handouts

Even just letting learners download a simple one-page quick reference PDF can break up the monotony of a standard next-driven eLearning course. Adding short videos or incorporating shared Google Sheets or Docs will take it up another level.


Watch the webinar recording for more of Amber's suggestions to re-energize your next training project:



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