ELB Learning

Watch Us Build a Wheel of Fortune® Training Game

Written by Natalie Scivally | Jul 8, 2022 7:35:58 PM

In their last webinar, Jake Kwiatkowski and Carrie Wiser demonstrated how to build a Jeopardy!® training game. This time around, they showed us how to build a Wheel Of Fortune® game using ELB Learning’s The Training Arcade®. ELB Learning owns the only licensed Wheel of Fortune training game. 

Yeah, yeah, it’s cool that you can train employees with Wheel of Fortune, but why use that specific game? Wheel of Fortune is fun, engaging, and it has a lot to offer when it comes to building and assessing your employees’ knowledge. The random spin, loss aversion, and anticipation of winning all add to the game’s excitement. Not to mention that it’s familiar and nostalgic. 

There are 3 levels of the game: spin round, toss up, and bonus round. The order and frequency of these levels are completely customizable. 


SPIN ROUND: driving engagement

Spin rounds will be most effective if they are focused on fun instead of assessment. 

During spin rounds, players are focused more on strategy than the actual puzzle. These rounds are great for introducing terminology and getting trainees excited about the topic. Keep the categories simple and use common letters, words, and phrases. 

→ Amounts included on the wheel can be changed, and the bankrupt option can be taken out. 


TOSS UP: assessment

In the toss up, you can push your players a bit and use more challenging words. Players are focused on solving the puzzle in these rounds unlike in the spin rounds. Use the toss ups for assessing players’ knowledge. Remember to keep categories clear and descriptive.

→ Letter order and pacing can be adjusted


BONUS ROUND: additional challenge

Bonus rounds can be used for assessment, but they can also act as a fun challenge for players; a chance to really push themselves and test their knowledge.

→ The difficulty level is adjustable via the letters revealed (typically RSTLNE) and or the number of letters players can select.



The Wheel of Fortune template can be found at thetrainingarcade.com

First, you will name the URL of your game. This is how players will access it. They won’t be required to download any additional software; all they need is an internet connection.

After this, there are a couple of fields to fill out. You’ll be able to select the percent of puzzles solved required to pass the course, whether to include a tutorial, and the number of sessions a player can play. There are also options to include player registration, information pop-ups, and a link to more information (or a “learn more” URL.) Then, you’ll get to build your game.



You may want your players to provide information such as name, contact information, or custom information. You can also make an authorized players list to restrict access to specific people. Or you may forgo registration options. If you choose not to include them, players will only provide a name or a nickname for the leaderboard. 



These allow you to give more context to players during gameplay. Such as explaining terminology further. Or you can use these pop-ups to enhance gameplay with fun facts and encouragement.



The template will guide you through building each round. You will be able to choose the type of round (spin round, toss up, or bonus round), the question and answer, and the amount and order of rounds of your game. There are lots of customizable components and options to make your game experience unique to your needs. 


To learn more, watch the webinar or visit thetrainingarcade.com.

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