ELB Learning

The Rockstar Learning Model: Step 1 - Learn

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Nov 14, 2019 3:00:58 PM


The Rockstar Learning Model- Step 1 - Learn_Blog Header 800x350

Every boss or organization out there is looking for superstar employees. Unless your boss is Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation of course—he hated government so much he preferred his department employees did as little work as possible to slow the “government machine.”

So how do you get superstar employees?

You could spend a lot of money and hire people who already have years and years of experience.

Or, you could develop your existing employees into superstars.

You might think, “But that’ll take forever!” or “I don’t have a training program set up for that.”

We have the answer.

eLearning Brothers has offered pre-built courseware since 2017. But recently, we decided it was time for a shakeup. More and more of our customers were asking for smaller, bite-sized courses. Microlearning is not only beneficial for you, because employees aren’t away from their desk for an entire day of training, but employees find it more engaging too!

So we decided to turn our off-the-shelf courseware into microlearning modules.

But not just any microlearning modules. We wanted these to be the most effective, most engaging off-the-shelf training modules you get.

That’s how the Rockstar Learning Model™ was born.

Each microlearning course in the Rockstar Learning Model is mobile-responsive, 508 compliant, and presented in three steps: Learn, Rehearse, and Perform.

How does a rockstar learn a new song? They sit down with their guitar, or at a piano, and they work out the chords themselves. Once they’ve mastered that, they’ll move on to rehearsing it with their band—perfecting the timing and memorizing lyrics. After enough rehearsal, they are ready to perform their new masterpiece live, in front of an audience.

We took inspiration from that process and structured our new microlearning modules around it.

The Rockstar Learning Model: Step 1 - LEARN

Your employees will learn new concepts on their own in a brief mobile-responsive microlearning course (that works on a smartphone or desktop computer), then pass a brief quiz to complete the lesson. Each course delivers focused content, interactions, and more.

Desktop example


Mobile example

There’s plenty of stale, old off-the-shelf courseware out there. That’s not how eLearning Brothers rolls. We don’t create something unless we can make it visually explosive and just plain awesome. Our microlearning modules are characterized by clean graphics and bold colors, so they look just as good on a small mobile device as on your big desktop monitor.

Every course is developed by professional instructional designers and developers in collaboration with subject matter experts. In short, they rock.

Schedule a demo to see the Rockstar Learning Model in action and come back next week to learn more about Step 2 - REHEARSE.