ELB Learning

The Most Rockin' Moments From eLBX Live 2019

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Jun 14, 2019 6:16:16 PM


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Another year of eLBX Live is in the books. Thank you to all the amazing eLearning designers, developers, and training managers who joined us in Salt Lake City on June 10 for the second annual eLBX Live learning tech conference. We loved spending time with you, hearing about your training challenges and needs, and seeing the light bulbs go off during the afternoon breakout sessions.


Highlights from eLBX Live 2019


Creating Moments—Not Lessons—With Clint Pulver


Keynote speaker Clint Pulver inspired everyone to create moments that connect with their learners. His story about his own lifelong learning path reminded us that no significant learning can happen without significant connection and it’s all about the people.


Clint also surprised everyone with a mini rock concert and then taught attendees how to be a drumline!



Being Inspired by the Three Featured Morning Speakers

Michael Noble shared his company’s research deep dive into learning effectiveness and which modalities ranked the best. He also offered attendees a FREE white paper on the research.


Next, Hadiya Nuriddin challenged us all to, “Take another look at yourself and stop thinking that you don’t have any stories to tell.” You may not have climbed Mount Everest or survived being stranded in the wilderness, but there are still lessons to be gleaned from your life.


Spotted—eLearning Brothers Cutout People in Hadiya's presentation!


Our last speaker before lunch, Leena Rinne, talked to us about loyalty and how to inspire loyalty in our learners. She encouraged attendees to interact with each other and reflect on each principle of loyalty. There were some great discussions happening!



Having 12 Different Afternoon Breakout Sessions to Choose From



Picking a favorite afternoon breakout session would be like picking a favorite child, and you know we can’t do that. But here’s what some attendees had to say about the afternoon sessions:



Learning About the Evolution of Authoring and Learning Experience Platforms


We were so happy to have Luke Hickey, CEO of DominKnow and Darrell Hunstman, Blue360 Media join us for our last presentation of the day, a panel discussion about the future of eLearning.




Watching Team DominKnowItAlls Dominate at Trivia


After dinner, attendees and eLearning Brothers employees divided into teams and faced off against each other in a lively game of trivia. Questions ranged from pop culture topics to eLearning facts. Competition was fierce, but in the end, team DominKnowItAlls took home the gold. And by gold we mean Amazon gift cards, of course. Close behind in second place was Napoleon dynamite, and The Sharks snagged third place and these snazzy hats.




Thank you to everyone who joined us for eLBX Live 2019. We hope those of you who stayed for Learning DevCamp had a great time there and we look forward to seeing you all again next year.


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