ELB Learning

The Big Launch Recap - See Our Exciting News

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Feb 3, 2021 2:57:10 PM

Missed the Big Launch yesterday? Don’t worry, we didn’t want anyone to miss out on this important announcement, so we recorded the #RockstarReveal for you!

Last spring, we made some major moves in the eLearning industry by acquiring Edulance, the creator of the KnowledgeLink LMS, and Trivantis, the creator of Lectora and CenarioVR authoring tools.

Since then, we’ve been working to blend and innovate our solutions to serve every modern L&D need. The result of all that hard work is…

The Rockstar Learning Platform

Now you can create, deliver, and track rockstar content all under one roof!

The Rockstar Learning Platform is easy to use and designed to grow with you. 

Whether you're looking for an LMS, an LXP, a digital learning platform to deliver interactive learning experiences, or just a quick way to provide video-based training on desktop and mobile devices, the Rockstar Learning Platform is a powerful solution to meet your needs today and evolving needs tomorrow. View all features here.

Let’s talk about some of our engaging features for learners. 

Pre-Assessment with Automatic Enrollment

Personalize content to learners based on their skill gaps and interests. Each assessment module is tied to recommended course of content inside the Rockstar Learning Platform. Jump to 49:05 in the recording below to see the Rockstar Learning Assessment Module and how it works.

Events for Virtual Instructor-Led Training

With this feature, you can integrate events for virtual ILT into courses and learning pathways. Keep track of all your Zoom meetings, Slack calls, and WebX sessions in one centralized calendar. Plus, now your learners can get credit and recognition for attending live events. Jump to 16:43 in the recording below to see the Events Manager in action. 

Learner Activities

Facilitate higher levels of engagement and retention with task lists for on-the-job training guidance and evidence uploads to document real-world learning and experience. 


Turn on learning streams to provide a constant flow of knowledge to help people competently perform their jobs and enhance their skillset—in real time! With channels, subject matter experts can easily create collaborative content streams and share their knowledge. You can set limits to what users are in each channel. Jump to 22:22 in the recording below to learn more about Channels.

“Contribute” Button

Enable channel members to create and share learning content with others in the channel - in one click! 

We’re also excited to announce new, premium integrations to help you amplify human performance.

Rehearsal Video Coaching

Add video coaching to personalize learning paths and maximize the potential of a remote workforce. This awesome new integration features automatic speech recognition and natural language processing to automatically advance learners through a video coaching scenario. Jump to 59:36 in the recording below to hear more about the Reheasal integration. 

BizLibrary Course Collection

Provide learners access to 2,500+ video-based micro-courses of today’s hottest HR topics. These courses are now available integrated into your Rockstar Learning Platform subscription. Jump to 1:22:00 in the video to learn more.

Training Arcade Game Templates

Integrate award-winning game templates to make learning more fun, effective, and memorable. You can easily build a game in The Training Arcade®, integrate it into your learning curriculum and track and analyze the results.

Watch the Big Launch recording below to learn more and see a live demo of the Rockstar Learning Platform.

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Want to learn more about how the Rockstar Learning Platform can help you improve learner engagement and knowledge retention? View features here or schedule a demo now.