ELB Learning

Rockin’ Around the Foosball Table & Other Holiday Fun

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Dec 20, 2019 2:23:19 PM


Rockin’ Around the Foosball Table _ Other Holiday Fun_Blog Header 800x350

We had our end-of-year holiday party today and it was so much fun to come together, look back at the year’s highlights (like launching an LMS), exchange gifts, and tear each other apart on the foosball table.

Hmm that last one doesn’t sound very merry, does it?

What can I say—the competition in our annual foosball tournament is fierce.

We have a bracket for everyone to fill out and live commentary by “sports announcers” aka whoever feels the most opinionated about foosball that day. 

It’s always fun to see what my coworkers come up with for their team names. This year we went with foosball + Christmas puns.

The 2019 Foosball Tournament Teams

The Nightmare Before Foosball

Ebednezer Foos

A Foosball Story: We’ll Shoot Your Eye Out

A Charlie Brown Foosball

Bank Shots in Toyland

Miracle on Thirtyfoos Street

The 5 Bar Express

The Pinch That Stole Christmas

Edward Foosball Hands

Try Hard

And the winner of the 2019 eLearning Brothers Foosball Tournament is…

The Nightmare Before Foosball, played by Jeff Sproge and Andre Chatelain with an assist by Brie Savage.

Congrats to everyone for a well-played tournament!

Presents Under the Tree

As part of the holiday party, we had a White Elephant Gift Exchange. If you’ve ever participated in a random gift exchange, you know that there are always some super weird items. This year, someone got a bowling ball! The worst gift was probably the toilet brush.

Not all the gifts were crazy though. We all got sweet new eLearning Brothers swag to rock, including hoodies and these cool guitar laptop stickers from StickerMule. These vinyl stickers are durable and weatherproof, so they'll last no matter where you stick them. Shipping was fast and you can get them made in any shape you want. We're pretty excited to see where these little guitars end up!


(Note that our head of marketing is a rebel and put a laptop sticker on his phone. Always thinking outside the box, that one!)

And of course, no holiday party is complete without desserts. We ate a lot of desserts.

All in all, it was a great way to close out the year.

What does your office do for the holidays?

Any traditions we should consider trying out? Let us know in the comments!