ELB Learning

Masks Aren't Just for Halloween: Respiratory Safety Every Day

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Nov 5, 2019 5:36:35 PM


Masks Aren_t Just for Halloween- Respiratory Safety Every Day_Blog Header 800x350


So you thought you could hang up the mask now that Halloween’s over. Nope.

Today we’re going to talk about a slightly different mask—a respirator.

Because while Halloween masks are scary, lung diseases are scarier.

Employees who work in environments with insufficient oxygen or where harmful dusts, fumes, gases, and more are present need respirators. These airborne health hazards may cause cancer, lung impairment, other diseases, or death.

What is a respirator?

OSHA defines a respirator as “a protective device that covers the nose and mouth or the entire face or head to guard the wearer against hazardous atmospheres.” There are several types and classes designed to guard against different situations.

A fairly well-known example of an illness caused by harmful dusts in the air is coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP), also known as black lung. This incurable respiratory illness is caused by long-term exposure to coal dust.

High on the list of black lung prevention tips? Wearing a ventilated mask when you’re going to be exposed to coal dust.

Choosing the right respirator for each hazard is incredibly important.

The best way to make sure your employees are choosing the right respirator is by providing training that gives them the knowledge to make the right call.

eLearning Brothers offers an entire library of safety training in mobile-responsive, microlearning bundles. One of those bundles focuses on respiratory safety.

Respiratory Safety Training

In this course, your learners will understand the basics of respiratory hazards and protection, learn about the different types of respirators, understand respirator maintenance and storage, and find out about respiratory protection program requirements.


recognizing respiratory hazards


This respiratory safety course bundle includes the following bite-sized, mobile-ready courses:

  • Understanding Respiratory Hazards
  • PPE: Intro to Filtering Facepiece Respirators
  • PPE: Using a Filtering Facepiece Respirator
  • PPE: Intro to Cartridge Type Respirators
  • PPE: Using a Cartridge Type Respirator
  • PPE: Intro to Atmosphere Supplying Respirators
  • Using SCBA Type Respirators
  • Using SAR Type Respirators
  • Respiratory Protection Program
  • Respirator Selection & Fit
  • Respirator Inspection & Care

These courses break down respiratory safety into easily digestible content chunks and step-by-step instructions.

They're also responsive, accessible, and beautifully designed. Ditch the boring safety materials from the 90s and deliver modern training to your employees.


Visit the eLearning Brothers Safety Training page to learn more about all our safety courseware.