ELB Learning

LECTORA LIVE! Analytics, Measurement & xAPI

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Jul 23, 2021 3:52:57 PM

We’ve started a new monthly live jam session with the Lectora “Mod Squad.” During these live webinars, you’ll get to interact with members of the eLearning Brothers Lectora product team who work behind the scenes to continuously enhance Lectora for your eLearning development success.

This month’s session focused on analytics and measuring learning outcomes using xAPI.

So let’s talk xAPI. 

At its simplest, xAPI is a specification for collecting data about learning experiences. You’re storing data in the form of simple statements about what a learner has done.

You can use that data to track learner behavior inside of a traditional eLearning course in a really granular way. You can also collect data about learning that takes place in other environments.

What are the differences between SCORM and xAPI?

Both of these specifications track learner data. But you can track more data in xAPI. 



Track completion

Track time

Track pass/fail

Report a single score

Report multiple scores


Detailed test results


No LMS required


No internet browser required


Keep complete control over your content


No cross-domain limitation


Use mobile apps for learning


Platform transition (i.e. computer to mobile)


Track serious games


Track simulations


Track informal learning


Track real-world performance


Track offline learning


Track interactive learning


Track adaptive learning


Track blended learning


Track long-term learning


Track team-based learning


Table source: xAPI.com

The structure and vocabulary of xAPI is so simple that it can be used in more environments to collect learner data. This opens up the possibility of creating more varied learning experiences that are more revelant to your learners’ needs—all while still tracking and proving the effectiveness of these learning experiences. 

Jump to 11:42 in the video to see Bill break down more concrete examples of how instructional designers can use xAPI.

What is an xAPI statement?

This is a sentence that gets submitted to the Learning Record Store (LRS) about what the learner did. There is a specific structure for the sentence: actor - verb - object. Essentially it tells who did what.


What can you do with Lectora and xAPI?

If this is the content you’re here for, jump to 29:54 in the video.

We’ve taken care of building xAPI statements for you using built-in actions in Lectora. 


You can also create custom xAPI statements in Lectora.

Watch the recording now to learn more about using xAPI in Lectora to track and analyze learner activity:

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