ELB Learning

If You Can't Handle the Heat...Take This Safety Course

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Nov 26, 2019 3:56:50 PM


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Are you ready to cook your Thanksgiving turkey this Thursday?

I’m not.

I’m making my mom do it. I just can’t handle that pressure.

Us millennials are the worst, right?

You know what they say though:

“If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”

I can’t handle it guys. (I will be baking a very elaborate cheesecake the night before, so that makes up for my turkey cowardice, right?)

Imagine the heat of your kitchen as the turkey roasts in there for hours. Now, imagine that multiplied tenfold—but in your workplace!

Every year thousands of workers become sick or are fatally injured due to occupational heat exposure.

From forklift workers in a poorly ventilated warehouse to construction workers laying new asphalt in midsummer, many workers are at risk for extreme heat exposure.

graphic illustrating signs of heat stroke

Do your workers know the signs of heatstroke and how to prevent or treat it? Can they keep cool—pun intended—under pressure and help their teammates out?

With the right safety training, they’ll know what to do in the event of occupational heat exposure.

eLearning Brothers offers a safety training bundle that can help: Occupational Heat Exposure

This microlearning course teaches workers how to recognize heat exposure hazards and provides tactics to avoid heat illness. Workers learn what to do in the event they or a coworker suffers from heat exposure. Easily customize the learning for your specific work conditions and policies.

This course bundle includes the following bite-sized, mobile-ready courses:

Heat Stress: You Need to Know

Recognize workplace heat exposure hazards and describe the signs and symptoms of heat stress and heat-related illness.

Heat Stress: Water, Rest, Shade

Explain the role water, rest, and shade play in protecting you and others from heat illness.

Reducing Your Risk of Heat Illness

Describe strategies used to reduce or eliminate heat hazards.

First Aid: Heat Illness

Know what to do if you recognize the symptoms of heat illness.

Heat Stress Program

Describe general workplace Heat Stress Program requirements.

All of the modules in this safety training are built and developed using the Rockstar Learning Model™.

Need to customize this safety training?

As with all of our solutions you can edit any of the graphics, content, or slide order. Using our course editor you can make your desired changes and export LMS ready.

Schedule a demo today to see the courses in action and watch your workplace become safer!