ELB Learning

How to Succeed With Your Rockstar Learning Platform: You, I, & API

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Sep 6, 2023 12:45:00 PM

The Rockstar Learning Platform (RLP) works beautifully with the rest of ELB Learning’s technology stack, but it can also be integrated with outside technology via our new public API feature.

In this webinar, our team introduced RLP’s Public API integration and shared examples of how our clients use it and how it may benefit you.

What Is an API?

  • An API is a set of rules that allow two pieces of software to talk to each other
  • APIs are used to exchange data and functionality between applications
  • APIs make it easier for developers to build powerful and flexible applications
  • APIs also make it easier for developers to share data and functionality with other developers

What Can the RLP API Do?

Our API has two sides to it, a user side and a behavior side.

User API

  • Get user - Returns a list of users and user details
  • Post user - Adds a user
  • Put user - Edits an existing user
  • Delete user - Deletes a user*

*We typically recommend marking users inactive instead of deleting them, so their activity history isn't lost.

Behavior or Content API

  • Get modules - Returns a list of modules
  • Get module completions - Returns list of module completions by user or module
  • Post module completions - Completes a module for a user
  • Get enrollments - Returns list of course enrollments with completion data
  • Get courses - Returns a list of all courses or a specific course

What Can You Do With the RLP API?

Zach shared a few examples of how this functionality might benefit you in the real world.

  • Automatically add users to the RLP when they are added to your HRIS
  • Update internal systems with completion data of a specific user
  • Mark activities that occur outside of the RLP as completed
  • Snapshot dashboards
  • Customized gamified learner paths

This new API feature is an add-on. Contact your account manager or email support [at] elblearning.com to find out how to activate it for your account.

In this webinar, Alex Coggins also went over some of the more recent product updates. Jump to 16:33 in the recording below to learn more.

Watch the full recording here:

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More About “How to Succeed With Your Rockstar Learning Platform”

In this quarterly webinar series, we show you how to enhance your use of the Rockstar Learning Platform (RLP). Our team will share upcoming new features and showcase how clients are using the Rockstar Learning Platform to succeed. You’ll take home new ways to use RLP at your organization and have the chance to ask our product managers and customer success managers your questions.