ELB Learning

How to Rock Social Distancing & Stay Connected

Written by Alexandria DeGrauw | Apr 8, 2020 12:30:00 PM


How to Rock Social Distancing _ Stay Connected

It’s challenging to feel connected while practicing social distancing; however, with modern technology, there are more ways than ever to stay connected while quarantined at home. That connection now is especially important to maintain while everyone is navigating the stress and struggles caused by the coronavirus and social distancing.

The following tips are ways to stay connected with coworkers, friends, and family.

Phone a Friend

It may not be the same as seeing someone in person, but calling people over the phone is still a good way to remain in contact with people, stay up to date with each others’ lives, and offer social support during these stressful times. Video calling is also a great way to connect with people for things that require visual contact like a yoga class, an artistic hobby, or connecting with grandkids. (Grandkids are easily entertained by video filters!)

Casual Chatter

Missing those organic conversations that occur in the office? In addition to daily team meetings, there are many online chat platforms such as Skype, Slack, and Google Hangouts that you can use to chat with your coworkers even while working remotely. These platforms could be used both as a productivity tool for work-related communication and as virtual break rooms for casual conversations. Stay connected with important updates, share pictures of your new four-legged “coworkers,” laugh at a clever gif, and marvel at videos of kids’ creative ingenuity.

Get Gaming

At eLearning Brothers (eLB), we connect with Boardgame Simulator, a computer game that allows you to play your favorite board games online. Not only does it provide an opportunity to casually gather during lunchtime, it also provides a chance to destress and give your mind a mental break from the workday.

  • Only have time for a short game? Try Tsuro or For Sale.
  • Looking for a large party game that can still be completed over lunchtime? Cover Your Kingdom and Camel Up are eLB fan favorites.
  • How about a company-wide tournament? Boss Monster is great for a friendly battle-to-the-death competition.
  • In need of a long-form game perfect for weekly meetups? Pandemic Legacy is a topically relevant game with a geo-political thriller story arc designed to play 12-24 sessions.

Socializing while practicing social distancing does take more effort to maintain than impromptu office gatherings or family dinner parties; however, staying connected through difficult circumstances can decrease stress, provide much needed lightheartedness, and offer a break from social isolation.

Check out more mental health tips in this post. We'd love to hear how you're coping, both professionally and personally with today's challenges!