ELB Learning

Hey There 2020! Resolutions and Trends for the New Year

Written by Josh Bleggi | Dec 23, 2019 1:30:00 PM


Hey There 2020! Resolutions and Trends for the New Year_Blog Header 800x350

Get ready, 2020 is coming whether we’re ready for it or not. As we approach this time of new beginnings many of us will set goals or resolutions for the new year.

If you’re having trouble coming up with your own resolutions, have no fear, my friend.

We’ve got you covered!

We recently asked our team here at eLearning Brothers what their new year's resolutions are for 2020. The answers were all quite awesome. As we share our resolutions, maybe you’ll see something that sparks something for your own 2020...

Let’s take a look at a few of our favorites:

First up are a couple of great pieces of life advice, that maybe some of us need to apply ourselves:

“Be proactive instead of reactive!”

- Brennyn Beesley, Customer Success Manager


“My 2020 New Year's Resolution is to find more time for myself, away from the everyday grind.”

- Katie Stewart, Developer


This next one will inspire you to think about your own personal learning and development goals for next year:

“I want to learn something new every day.”

- JR Lavea, Sales Manager


Brie’s goal reminds us that working hard is only meaningful if you can take time to spend with family:

“Save up enough to travel to New York with my NZ in-laws before July!”

- Brie Savage, Account Executive


When you start to master something the way Rich has, it’s only fitting you’d want to share what you know with everyone:

“Create a multi-episode podcast.”

- Rich Vass, Director, Customer Experience


Lastly, Doug’s resolution is either really selfless, or wishful thinking from a team member. In fact, is that even Doug’s handwriting?

“Bring treats for my team each Wednesday.”

- Doug Lange, Custom Sales


Here’s the list of what everyone else has planned for 2020:

“To be more thoughtful in action and practice gratitude & patience.” - Bill Milstead, Senior Developer

“Finish editing my first graphic novel chapter, and print it.” - Shawn Powell, Graphic Designer

“Cook more recipes out of my extensive cookbook collection.” - Stephanie Ivec, Content Marketing Manager

“Drink more water. Get up from my chair more during the workday. Move more!” - Laura Doerr, Senior Project Manager

“Definitely improve my pickleball game.” - Brad Edwards, Project Manager

“Complete first 5K & by DevLearn 2020, be 30 lbs lighter than DevLearn 2019.” - Chris Willis, Senior Product Manager

“One of my top priorities in 2020 is to continue to improve my health. Who knows? I may even reach a 100 lb. weight loss milestone in Q1 (76 lbs down, 24 to go!).” - Brandie Jenkins, Senior Instructional Designer

“Focus on the moments that matter.” - Trent Howell, VP of Marketing

“To complete a 10K in under 75 minutes.” - Monica Newell, Associate Instructional Designer

“Pass French DELF B2 Exam.” - Todd Carpenter, Resource Manager

“Widen my skillset & achieve a better work-life balance.” - Stacey Wilhelmsen, Senior Graphic Designer

“Read more, waste less.” - Marty Nabhan, Quality Assurance

“Spend more quality time with family.” - Randy Peterson, Sales Director

“Travel to Scotland and Ireland.” - Jeff Sproge, Sales Manager

“Facilitating better communication to stakeholders.” - Zach Batty, Director, Systems

“Help the Custom Production team grow in both skills and resources by supporting increased sales and training opportunities.” - Andre Chatelain, Director, Custom Production

“Learn more of client LMS & Training Courseware needs.” - Ryan Lee, Senior Account Executive

“Going into 2020, my resolution is to be more intentional with everyone I work with. Taking the time to get to know people on a different level, understand their strengths and work habits to continually improve what we're working on.” - Julie Kelly, Project Manager

“My goal for 2020 is to increase retention through the expansion of customer needs by providing various solutions for different aspects as it pertains to training.” - Raul Lazo, Senior Account Executive


Focusing on work in 2020?

Consider making it your resolution to become an expert in one of these areas we predict will be huge in 2020:

  1. VR
  2. Microlearning
  3. Interactive video
  4. Mobile
  5. Gamification
  6. Adaptive learning
  7. Social learning
  8. Mentored learning

2020 looks to be a big year for everyone here. What will it hold for you?