ELB Learning

Filming VR Scenes? Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes

Written by Christie Wroten | Aug 10, 2022 12:30:00 PM

Pssst—want to know which mistakes to avoid when shooting virtual reality scenes? We’re here to help! These common filming mistakes can waste unnecessary time, annoy your users, or even make them ill. Don’t be left with immersive learning that’s completely unusable—keep reading to learn these VR pitfalls before it’s too late.

Here are 3 commonly made mistakes to avoid when filming and developing virtual training: 

  1. Filming the Close Talker

No one likes a close talker in real life—and your users certainly won’t appreciate it in the metaverse either. When you’re filming, don’t put anyone too close to the lens. You don’t want to invade your user’s virtual personal space or provide a bad learning experience.

Another common VR mistake is trapping the viewer. This can happen if you put the user too close to a large object, which can create a claustrophobic reaction and detract from the training. 

Are there any exceptions? Yes—if you’re training people in customer service to handle a close talker, you may want to simulate a customer who breaks the personal space barrier in the virtual training. 

  1. Creating the Roller Coaster Effect

Almost every new VR developer makes this mistake when filming their first scene, but we’re warning you so that you don’t make it too. Never have the camera move through the scene to simulate the user walking through the room. 

Why? You’ll make most of your users ill—ruining the immersive learning experience before it even starts. Because VR is so realistic, your brain perceives the motion as your body moving. Unfortunately, your inner ear does not, which leads to motion sickness. 

The solution? Have the user “teleport” through an area by clicking on hotspots where they’d like to go next. Then, immediately bring them to that area. 

  1. Not Filming Enough Content

It’s better to have extra unused film than not enough. For example, when Fendi created immersive learning with CenarioVR, they only had a few days to do all their filming.

Fendi filmed the smart way: they recorded twenty-five hours of video to ensure they would have enough shots to choose from. As a result, they were able to create an hour of video to use over several courses without having to go back and re-film. 

Always film more than you need. You can trim and edit later, but going back to film additional content is a hassle and a waste of time that you don't need. 


Remember, when shooting scenes for virtual reality, avoid these common mistakes: filming too close, creating a roller coaster effect, and skimping on how much content is filmed. Knowing what not to do before you begin can save you a lot of time and spare your users from a negative learning experience.

Want more VR filming mistakes? Download our free eBook: VRoom! Getting Started With VR for Training. It’s packed with tips to help you get started creating your own immersive learning experience.