ELB Learning

Cutout Character of the Week: Chaz

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Jun 22, 2022 12:30:00 PM

When my sister was in college, she spent one summer leading trail rides at a dude ranch in Arizona. One of the other guides was a cowboy named Chaz. My mom delighted in teasing my sister over the phone about the (presumably) cute cowboy, Chaz. 

This is not that Chaz.

However, this Chaz could bring just as much excitement to your next learning module as Chaz the Cowboy did to my sister’s summer on the dude ranch.

So without further ado, let’s introduce one of our newest cutout people in the Asset Library, Chaz. 

Cutout Character of the Week- Chaz_Character Collage 600x400


Chaz is all business at the office, but on the weekends he moonlights as the drummer in his hometown’s most popular rock cover band.

This cutout character is available in 4 different outfits and multiple poses.

cutout character image chaz in a leather jacket and ripped jeans

Outfit 1: Edgy Rocker Who Might Own a Motorcycle

I say might own a motorcycle because I don’t think exposed skin is truly motorcycle-safe and those are some large holes in his jeans, but maybe Chaz likes to live dangerously. Either way, if you’re trying to resonate with a younger crowd or a non-traditional workplace, this particular outfit is the way to go.






Outfit 2: Ready to Sell

This is Chaz’s friendly and approachable salesman outfit. It’s perfect for closing deals and then meeting up with friends for happy hour. Use this set of character images for a business casual office setting, outdoor sales, and more.









Outfit 3: Hipster Nerd

Those checked pants are a vibe! This Chaz knows things. Probably mostly things about obscure bands and authors you’ve never heard of, but he’ll happily tell you—and your learners—about them. 











Outfit 4: Pandemic Chic

Safety first, right? This set of poses features Chaz wearing a mask, a familiar sight over the past couple of years. If you’re creating a health and safety course, this attire is perfect for your needs.












With these 4 outfits and all the different poses available, Chaz is the perfect fit for many different types of eLearning courses.

Stay tuned for our next cutout character of the week, and until then, log in or sign up for a free trial of the Asset Library to utilize Chaz and other cutout characters.