ELB Learning

Celebrate Women’s History Month with an Online JEOPARDY!® Game

Written by Jennifer Hassell | Mar 1, 2024 2:45:00 PM


How can we celebrate women’s history, learn something new, and maybe have some fun at the same time? We can play JEOPARDY! using clues that previously aired on the show.

That’s right, we’ve compiled clues from the actual show with help from our friends at Sony to bring you this special game to celebrate Women’s History Month. Play here!

You can easily build and play games like this with any content you want using the officially licensed JEOPARDY! for training from The Training Arcade.®

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Women’s History Month

March has been officially proclaimed as Women’s History Month each year by the U.S. President since 1988. The official designation was the culmination of decades of work that started with the activist Laura X in the 1960s, who rekindled the celebrations around International Women’s Day. Thanks to Laura’s efforts and countless others like her, we can celebrate the achievements, advancements, and contributions of women to our society. 

With innumerable women to choose from, how do we celebrate them and their achievements while making that celebration fun and also “stick” in our minds? We can impart knowledge like this by harnessing the power of games and gamification.

For more on the history and a list of celebrations during Women’s History Month, visit the official website sponsored by the Library of Congress. 


How Games Provide Microlearning, Feedback, and Make Learning Stick

As sad as it is to say, if a friend sends you a video to watch that’s over two minutes long, do you watch it? Who’s got the time, right? 

Now think about an hour-long lecture where you’re a disinterested learner. An hour is closer to an eternity! Breaking up that time with quick, interactive games can help increase engagement and get that one snoozing student in the back to pay attention.

Due to our dwindling attention spans, many people respond well to the concept of microlearning. This method involves breaking down learning topics into more manageable pieces and repeating them with adequate spacing between lessons. Gamified learning is perfect for this style of digestion, as games can be 3-4 minutes long and have “bite-sized” content.

Feedback and Gamified Learning

Due to the nature of remote and hybrid work environments, many people are in the dark about their job or school performance, and waiting for feedback – that might not actually come – can be stressful. 

Instead of learners submitting work, grading it, sending it back, and having that process take days or weeks, games make feedback instant. A gamified learning structure can help both you and your learners increase communication and make sure the experience is meaningful and constructive. 

If a student selects the incorrect answer in a gamified setting, the response is immediate. The game can provide constructive feedback and give the student a chance to try again. Gamified learning gives students a safe space to fail, adjust, and try again in seconds or minutes.

Gamified Learning Makes Knowledge Stick

No matter what the topic, games, and gamification make your knowledge “sticky.” 

Using gamified learning provides a safe space for learners to re-engage with content. As we all know, repeat engagement with the material is the best way to beat the “forgetting curve.” 

In a study of 1,000 games, it was found that the average time spent per session was six minutes. This makes the learning digestible and fulfills that microlearning niche we love.  

The learners, however, repeated the games on average 2.9 times. They wanted to go back and play the learning game again. Most importantly, there was a 64% lift in knowledge from the 1st to the 3rd time students answered questions after learning with games. 

Whether your clues are on Women’s History Month, sales enablement, an onboarding process, or how to make a good pasta sauce, incorporating them into a game like JEOPARDY! increases engagement and retention of the material.


Use Games to Teach Women’s History Month

If you didn’t play our JEOPARDY! Game on Women’s History Month at the beginning of the blog, make sure you do and see how games can educate and motivate for yourself! Good luck getting to the top of the leaderboard!

By incorporating the mechanics and goals above, you will be well on your way to empowering your learners with gamification. Whether you want to gamify your classroom, educate your sales team, or improve a virtual meeting, games will boost engagement and effectiveness, and your learners will have fun.

Check out our do-it-yourself gamification platform, The Training Arcade®. Schedule a demo and start your free trial today!