ELB Learning

Can You Hear Me Now? There's a Safety Training for That

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Oct 17, 2019 7:29:42 PM

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Do you love listening to podcasts on your way to work? Or cranking up some tunes while you clean the house?

What if...you couldn’t hear your favorite podcast anymore?

Or what if...your team members couldn’t hear warnings and alarms at work?

Our Hearing Conservation safety training is designed to help prevent those types of situations.

Microlearning modules cover how dangerous noise works, plus describe methods to recognize and measure noise levels, understand ear damage and testing, as well as identify steps to protect their hearing.

You might be surprised to learn at what volume something is considered dangerous to your ears!


Image showing noise exposure thresholds


Following our Rockstar Learning Model, the Hearing Conservation course bundle includes the following bite-sized, mobile-ready courses:

  1. Understanding Hearing Loss
  2. Recognize & Measure Noise Hazards
  3. Hearing Conservation Program
  4. Audiometric Testing for Hearing Conservation
  5. PPE: Intro to Hearing Protection

Each module is short, engaging, and interactive. Information is presented in easy to understand ways, followed by knowledge checks so you always know how your learners are doing.



Check out all our safety training microlearning courses on our website now.