ELB Learning

Andrew Scivally Wins Utah ATD 2020 Thought Leader Award

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Apr 14, 2020 5:55:53 PM
Every year, the ATD Utah Board awards an L&D professional the Thought Leader award. The selection is based on a career of contribution to the ATD Mission and Values of promoting the profession of Workplace Learning and Development.

We are so honored to share that this year, our CEO and Co-Founder, Andrew Scivally, earned the 2020 Thought Leader award.

Andrew with the 2020 Thought Leader award

"As we look at the landscape of talent development and training in Utah, eLearning Brothers and Andrew Scivally have been a major contributor to the learning and technology industry through the eLearning Brothers mission, as well as the addition of the eLBX conference,” said ATD Utah about why Andrew was selected for this award.

Scivally received this award at the 16th Annual Utah ATD Workplace Learning and Development Conference and Expo in early March 2020 (pre-social distancing).

Andrew receiving the award at the ATD Utah conference

eLearning Brothers is a Utah-born company and we love living and working here in Utah and supporting other training professionals in the area. We’re proud to see Andrew receive this award from ATD Utah. And you can bet that we're going to continue contributing to the training community, in Utah and beyond.

Andrew was also recently interviewed by the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development. You can listen to the podcast here. It’s a great look at running a business in Utah and dives into the experience of being in the training industry during a pandemic.

We can't wait to see all our L&D friends and colleagues at a conference again when it's safe to do so. Stay safe and healthy and keep on rocking your training development!