ELB Learning

All the Women Rocking eLearning Brothers Webinars

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Mar 6, 2020 6:20:06 PM

All the Women Rocking eLearning Brothers Webinars

In honor of International Women’s Day coming up this Sunday, we wanted to give a little shout out to the truly amazing female rockstars here at eLearning Brothers.

I know, I know, the company is called eLearning Brothers. But that’s because we were founded by two brothers. We have talented women and men creating eLearning awesomeness in all departments.

Today, let's recognize some of our recent female webinar presenters.

Jonica Rich

Jonica Rich

Webinar: Dazzle Your Learners Using These After Effects Templates

Presented by Jonica Rich, eLearning Brothers Motion Specialist. In addition to already being a rockstar developer on our custom team, Jonica is currently earning a Master of Education in Education/Instructional Technology.

A little known fact about the eLearning Brothers Asset Library: we have TONS of After Effects templates. Using these templates, you can add stunning visual effects and motion to your training content. Jonica joined us for a recent webinar to share how to edit and customize these After Effects templates.


Monica Newell

Webinar: How to Storyboard Like a Star in Storyline 360

Presented by Monica Newell, Associate Instructional Designer on the eLearning Brothers Custom Solutions team. Monica is one of our remote team members, building awesome eLearning content for us down in sunny Florida!

In this webinar, Monica showed how to storyboard an eLearning course using Storyline. With user-friendly formatting tools to reviewer-friendly publishing tools, Storyline 360 helps you design a more immersive storyboard to better convey your course concept and save time between design and development.


Stacey Wilhelmsen

Webinar: Add Some Style to Your PowerPoint Presentations

Presented by Senior Graphic Designer Stacey Wilhelmsen. Stacey is the genius behind many of the cool graphics on our site and our awesome Course Starter templates and off-the-shelf courseware designs.

In this webinar, Stacey showed webinar attendees how you can add some style to your PowerPoint presentations using our PowerPoint Template Styles and other graphics from the library.


Amber Rodbell

Webinar: A Quick How-To on Storyline Button Sets

Presented by Amber Rodbell, our Custom Development Manager. Amber is constantly creating award-winning eLearning content for our custom clients. And she also works remotely from Florida! (Maybe I can trade spots with one of my Florida coworkers. Who wants to come work from Cincinnati???)

Storyline has a very handy built-in feature called Button Sets that lets you create interactions where the learner can only select one object at a time from a group of objects. In this webinar, Amber showed attendees how to create button sets and the different interactions you can achieve with them.


Chris Willis

Webinar: How the Rockstar Learning Model Can Help You Engage Learners

Presented by Chris Willis, Senior Product Manager and the mastermind behind our off-the-shelf courseware. A fellow midwesterner like me, Chris is based in beautiful Michigan with the cute doggo featured in the quilt above.

In this webinar, Chris Willis, Senior Product Manager, shared the blended microlearning approach we’re using to build our new off-the-shelf courseware and five best practices for mobile microlearning design. You can watch the recording and download her best practices handout in the blog recap.


Katie Stewart

Webinar: 5 Ways to Put the Story First in Your eLearning

Presented by Katie Stewart, Jonica Rich, and Andrew Townsend. This webinar was definitely a team effort! I love this one because not only does it deliver some great takeaways on storytelling for eLearning, but it also shows the great friendships we have in the eLearning Brothers office. Katie Stewart is an instructional designer for our custom team, where she works with Jonica and the rest of that amazing crew. And of course, our webinar attendees are very familiar with Andrew as the host, but in this webinar, he also got to share his own knowledge about film and storytelling. (And I know, Andrew is clearly not a woman, but he lucked out and got into this post through association with Katie and Jonica!)


Misty Harding

Webinar: Translating Instructional Design Speak Into Engaging Course Content

Presented by Misty Harding, Senior Instructional Designer for the eLearning Brothers custom team. Misty is a true instructional design rockstar. She even recently offered a crash course on instructional design to anyone from any department at eLearning Brothers who wanted to learn more about creating amazing eLearning! There was homework and everything. We don’t mess around at eLearning Brothers.

In this webinar, Misty shared real examples of the common elements of a course that get “borified” by our instructional instincts and how to rewrite them in a way that creates an experience for the learner that is more engaging, immersive, and learner-focused. You can also download her tips in eBook form if you don’t want to watch the webinar recording.

Some pretty impressive women, right?

These are just a few of our recent webinars starring some of the amazing women at eLearning Brothers. We have even more female-led webinars in the archives, and of course, some pretty cool women in all departments who prefer to stay behind the scenes. There’s a reason you don’t see me presenting any webinars! From our product development team to sales to custom, eLearning Brothers is full of top talent—female and male.

And coming up on March 19, Laura Doerr, our Senior & Lead Product Manager, is guest starring on a webinar with Synapse.

Register for Transforming Your Training Intake Process for Successful Course Launch now.