ELB Learning

Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 On Employees

Written by Andrew Scivally | Mar 16, 2020 6:08:39 PM

Addressing the Impact of COVID-19 On Employees

Imagine a Rockstar stepping on stage to give an awesome performance, but there’s no audience.

With the current situation around COVID-19, it’s now much easier to imagine.

  • Events worldwide are being canceled.
  • Major gathering places are closing their doors.
  • And businesses are having their employees work remotely.

We understand the strain that can put on individuals and families. Like you, we’re also taking precautions to keep our employees safe and healthy.

But that doesn’t have to slow you down from delivering awesome training and development opportunities for your employees.

In fact, during the current situation, it’s more important than ever to keep your teams connected, informed, and trained.

The great news is that with the amazing technology tools we have today, staying connected, informed, and trained is within reach. And shifting your in-person training to digital learning can be done more quickly than you might realize.

Having helped thousands of L&D professionals create digital learning experiences for employees worldwide, we’re ready to help you do the same for your employees.

Whether you need to deliver courses immediately, tools to build your own courses, or additional development manpower, we can help you be an eLearning ROCKSTAR and get a standing ovation. 

If you need courses right now on transitioning to remote work or health and safety training, we can help you with that immediately. Check out our off-the-shelf courses and give us a call.


Andrew Scivally
CEO, eLearning Brothers