ELB Learning

A Live Look at Learning Paths in the Rockstar Learning Platform

Written by Stephanie Ivec | May 3, 2021 2:01:29 PM

In the webinar, Peter Getchell, Senior Enterprise Account Executive and Andrew Townsend, Campaign Marketing Manager showed how to use the Rockstar Learning Platform to solve this common training scenario:

Your organization needs to deliver a variety of training to multiple departments or audiences. 

Some of the training is company-wide, like mandatory anti-discrimination and harassment training. 

Some training is specific to a department, sales training for the sales team and company branding info for the marketing department, for example. 

To make it more complicated, the content consists of several different types of media: formal eLearning, immersive VR training, and a game. 

However, with the Rockstar Learning Platform, it’s easy for training admins to assign content to different groups or departments, no matter what type of learning it is. 

Peter walked attendees through:

  • Uploading learning content from different sources, like off-the-shelf courses, immersive learning modules, and more 
  • Curating that content using the Channels feature 
  • Assigning courses to different learner groups

He also showed a little bit of the reporting capabilities.

In Peter and Andrew’s scenario, their organization, the Bass Drum Emporium, needs to deliver training to both Sales and Marketing.

There are two compliance modules that all company members must complete. In addition, there are 4 modules that need to be distributed to the Sales team. These include a Lectora-built eLearning module, a video module from YouTube, a virtual reality module built in CenarioVR, and a video practice activity.

For the Marketing team, there is a Jeopardy!® game from the Training Arcade® that will teach marketing about the Bass Drum Emporium’s products and services.

Peter uploaded the different pieces of eLearning content into the Rockstar Learning Platform. It’s very easy to drag and drop your uploaded learning content into a curriculum bucket, so to speak, to create your training program. Then he showed the webinar attendees how to manually enroll users in specific courses, as well as how to set up courses for automatic enrollment. 

Using Media Groups in the platform, Peter can quickly assign a module to everyone in a specific media group. 

Peter also showed how users can easily create learning content and contribute it to a learning Channel. This is a great way to tap into the knowledge of subject matter experts within your organization. In the Bass Drum Emporium examples, one member of the sales team contributed a module on How to Sell Drums Online, and a member of the marketing team put together a short guide to the “Digital Marketing Trifecta” about earned, paid, and owned media. These microlearning modules enable anyone in the company to learn more about different aspects of the business.

An example of user-generated content inside the Channels feature of the Rockstar Learning Platform

Some other benefits of the Rockstar Learning Platform include the option to add a subscription to BizLibrary and gain access to hundreds of off-the-shelf courses on compliance, business skills, leadership, and more. You can also add on Rehearsal video coaching.

Watch the recording below to learn more about adding training content and creating learning paths in the Rockstar Learning Platform.

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Ready to start creating customized learning paths for your learners? Get a free account of the Rockstar Learning Platform today.