ELB Learning

5 Questions to Ask a Custom Vendor: #3 Can You Keep My Project On Budget?

Written by Stephanie Ivec | Jan 21, 2020 3:00:13 PM


5 Questions to Ask a Custom Vendor- #3 Can You Keep My Project On Budget__Blog Header 800x350

If you’re looking into custom eLearning development, you may be experiencing one of these challenges:

  • You don’t have the time to develop the training you need in-house
  • You don’t have the manpower or in-house experience to create training at the level you want

Outsourcing can be a fantastic solution, but of course, it can cost more than producing content in-house. That’s why it’s important to talk about budgets and timelines with any vendors you’re considering.

A custom vendor should be well practiced at balancing multiple projects and timelines, but here are a few questions to ask so you know they’re not stretched too thin to take on your project:

  • How do you handle it when a project ends up out of scope?
  • How big is your staff?
  • Do you have enough people experienced with ____ to complete my project on time?

Here’s an example of how we keep projects on time and on budget at eLearning Brothers:

Each project begins with careful scoping—we do not underbid and then tack on change of scope orders as we go. We work hard to provide an inclusive and accurate estimate at the very beginning and can scale up or down with levels of interactivity and complexity in a course to make it fit your budget.

Before development begins, you receive a visual storyboard allowing you to see all the instructional concepts, activities, layouts, text audio and exact images. This is your opportunity to provide feedback and make changes before development, so you’re never paying for a course you don’t like.

In addition, we include the source files with your finished courses. If you need to update the courses with new content in the future, you’re able to do it yourself, saving money on small changes.

Working with a custom eLearning development vendor doesn’t have to be stressful. Once you find the right partner, you can work together to produce eLearning content that your learners AND your stakeholders will love. You just have to ask the right questions as you’re shopping around.

To help you find the right eLearning vendor for your needs, we created a free guide.

In it, we outline 5 key questions to ask as you're interviewing potential vendors.

Download the 5 Questions to Ask Before You Choose a Custom Development Vendor guide now.