ELB Learning

4 Tips for Creating Effective eLearning Objectives for Yourself

Written by Christie Wroten | Oct 8, 2013 8:19:53 AM


Writing e-Learning objectives for your course doesn’t have to be a chore. And if you learn how to write effective objectives, you’ll make your job easier throughout the entire e-Learning development process.

Take a look at these 4 tips for creating effective e-Learning objectives:

  • Write for you, not your learners.
    This might be a surprise—but writing objectives for yourself, the developer, really benefits your learners in the end. Many issues with failed e-Learning courses go back to ineffective e-Learning objectives. Sometimes developers don’t even realize these objectives are just as crucial for themselves! If you write objectives for yourself, you’ll produce a successful course where your learners can easily complete these objectives.
  • Be specific and clear.
    The point of writing e-Learning objectives for yourself is to make sure your course is focused. Making your goals specific will narrow your focus. This helps you stay on track while you’re developing the course. Making your goals clear will ensure that your e-Learning course presents information in a way that’s easy for your learners to understand.
  • Be concise.
    Your learners have a limit to what they can accomplish in one online training course. Creating concise e-Learning objectives will help you decide what the most valuable aspects are to include in your course. That way, your learners can focus on what’s most important, and they’re not wasting time on excess material.
  • Make your goals visible.
    Print your list of e-Learning objectives, and hang them up where you can see them as you’re developing your course. A visible reminder is the best way to stay focused on your objectives. When you’re doing a final review of your course, check off objectives as they are covered! It’s a great, tactile way to see how you’re completing your own goals.

Use these tips to create effective e-Learning objectives and a successful e-Learning course!